Microsoft Build 2017 Highlights

All my notes, in the form of useful links, from MS Build 2017 conference in Seattle last week. Build 2017 – Day 1 New innovations at Microsoft Build 2017A Azure Stack – Azure On-premises .NET Standard Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Visual Studio 2017 Visual Studio 2017 keyboard shortcuts Visual Studio for Mac Azure Functions—Serverless Architecture Razer Pages Azure Application Insights Azure Active Directory B2C Automated deployment for [Read More]

Git Bash Cheat Codes

Posting my most used Git commands here for easy reference. Credential Configuration // save configuration git config --global credential.helper wincred // clear confirguation git config --global --unset credential.helper Common Everyday Commands // list all branches in your repository git banch // checkout an existing branch git checkout [branch-name] // create and checkout a new branch git checkout -b [new-branch-name] // publish a branch to origin git push -u origin [new-branch-name] // add files to index [Read More]

Installing Ghost Blog on an Azure Ubuntu VM

This is the first blog post for my new blog! Here are some fun facts about the hardware/software architecture supporting my setup and the process I went through to get it up and running. I've been a .NET developer all my life but with Microsoft's move to OSS and focus on CLI tooling I've embarked down this road of sharpening the saw in these areas. I've never used Ubuntu [Read More]